Search with external identifiers (UPC/EAN/ISBN)

This section covers how to search products with external identifiers using Product Advertising API.

To search product with external identifiers like UPC, EAN and ISBN use SearchItems operation and pass identifier as 'Keyword' parameter. While using SearchItems to search for UPC/EAN/ISBN, we recommend adding the 'ItemInfo.ExternalIds' in resources of request. In response you might get multiple results, but you can filter the result as per identifier you searched for. Example: If you search by EAN 044600012049, you filter only those products that have this EAN in the list of EANs ('ItemInfo -> ExternalIds -> EANs -> Display values') returned for that products. If you get more than 10 results from your search request, we recommend calling again with the 'ItemPage' parameter to get all the results. Similarly while looking up by UPC and ISBN, use UPCs and ISBNs list respectively. If you use PA API 4 and rely on EAN, UPC rather than EAN list, UPC list etc, you can use the first element on the EAN, UPC list respectively provided in the PA API 5 response.

Sample Request

Request 1

The following request searches for single UPC 717356278525:

  "Keywords": "717356278525",
  "SearchIndex": "All",
  "Resources": [
  "PartnerTag": "xyz-20",
  "PartnerType": "Associates",
  "Operation": "SearchItems"

Sample Response

 "SearchResult": {
  "Items": [
    "ASIN": "0545162076",
    "DetailPageURL": "",
    "Images": {
     "Primary": {
      "Medium": {
       "Height": 77,
       "URL": "",
       "Width": 160
    "ItemInfo": {
     "ExternalIds": {
      "EANs": {
       "DisplayValues": [
       "Label": "EAN",
       "Locale": "en_US"
      "ISBNs": {
       "DisplayValues": [
       "Label": "ISBN",
       "Locale": "en_US"
      "UPCs": {
       "DisplayValues": [
       "Label": "UPC",
       "Locale": "en_US"
     "Title": {
      "DisplayValue": "Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-7)",
      "Label": "Title",
      "Locale": "en_US"
    "Offers": {
     "Listings": [
       "Id": "7zGLRO8zMe91QhHlbpbAVXroIa09en0xXckvtOhL06HTkngu3Gk%2FfQ4SiyWuqvc9JK2OkNlK2%2FgJMc%2B8Ya8kOqXCTlTN8dfY5Kgf29kPMfw3ALaWhxIArbNDf71jc5DLqEEjNTVxMGVFU7A9v4bkSn8KpOLj3Dur",
       "Price": {
        "Amount": 50,
        "Currency": "USD",
        "DisplayAmount": "$50.00",
        "Savings": {
         "Amount": 36.93,
         "Currency": "USD",
         "DisplayAmount": "$36.93 (42%)",
         "Percentage": 42
       "ViolatesMAP": false
  "SearchURL": "",
  "TotalResultCount": 1

Request 2

The following request searches for Multiple UPCs 717356278525 and 842776102270.

Sample Request

"Keywords": "717356278525|842776102270",
"SearchIndex": "All",
"Resources": [
"PartnerTag": "xyz-20",
"PartnerType": "Associates",
"Operation": "SearchItems"

Sample Response

 "SearchResult": {
  "Items": [
    "ASIN": "0545162076",
    "DetailPageURL": "",
    "Images": {
     "Primary": {
      "Medium": {
       "Height": 77,
       "URL": "",
       "Width": 160
    "ItemInfo": {
     "ExternalIds": {
      "EANs": {
       "DisplayValues": [
       "Label": "EAN",
       "Locale": "en_US"
      "ISBNs": {
       "DisplayValues": [
       "Label": "ISBN",
       "Locale": "en_US"
      "UPCs": {
       "DisplayValues": [
       "Label": "UPC",
       "Locale": "en_US"
     "Title": {
      "DisplayValue": "Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-7)",
      "Label": "Title",
      "Locale": "en_US"
    "Offers": {
     "Listings": [
       "Id": "l3%2BVAIBi5OEt4atOWHgG01NT%2Bv7Qe%2Fr3y9WgD2WAjbhh%2BEDQ34Dd8dr6sRxEcTZz0bCliYKn2jRSNrcgq7%2BoTxvqWYYUesorAwZaqAGUVG7a6dJVjEF2BA%3D%3D",
       "Price": {
        "Amount": 39.74,
        "Currency": "USD",
        "DisplayAmount": "$39.74",
        "Savings": {
         "Amount": 47.19,
         "Currency": "USD",
         "DisplayAmount": "$47.19 (54%)",
         "Percentage": 54
       "ViolatesMAP": false
    "ASIN": "B075JSK7TR",
    "DetailPageURL": "",
    "Images": {
     "Primary": {
      "Medium": {
       "Height": 130,
       "URL": "",
       "Width": 160
    "ItemInfo": {
     "ExternalIds": {
      "EANs": {
       "DisplayValues": [
       "Label": "EAN",
       "Locale": "en_US"
      "UPCs": {
       "DisplayValues": [
       "Label": "UPC",
       "Locale": "en_US"
     "Title": {
      "DisplayValue": "Google Pixelbook (i5, 8 GB RAM, 128GB) (GA00122-US)",
      "Label": "Title",
      "Locale": "en_US"
    "Offers": {
     "Listings": [
       "Id": "l3%2BVAIBi5OEiajSVNFFu3E5Iu%2F86pP8tJMgoUu38Mt%2Fvrczl8wlgSwkD6EAXdcKVMgD3eb7EIfaS9LLhEBZPQjSiEqcFpBEnk%2F3D%2FPY0skqahzVWRRdH0Mzh73bDSRaGYRjsyH8rEOAQN5cYVZO%2FI%2B9v3QuaAh9M",
       "Price": {
        "Amount": 949.99,
        "Currency": "USD",
        "DisplayAmount": "$949.99",
        "Savings": {
         "Amount": 49.01,
         "Currency": "USD",
         "DisplayAmount": "$49.01 (5%)",
         "Percentage": 5
       "ViolatesMAP": false
  "SearchURL": "",
  "TotalResultCount": 2

results matching ""

    No results matching ""