Determining Availability

An item for sale on Amazon has multiple offer listings. Each offer listings has an availability field that depicts availability status of an offer:

  • Available to be purchased Now
  • Is Preorderable
  • Is Backorderable

The availability information for an offer of an item can be retrieved from Product Advertising API by requesting Availability Offers Resources.

There are various Availability parameters returned by Product Advertising API.

  • The availability Type of an offer (i.e. Now, Preorderable, etc.) can be fetched by requesting Offers.Listings.Availability.Type resource.
  • The availability Message for an offer specifies the availability message which is displayed on Amazon Product Landing Page of the item for e.g. "In Stock.", "Temporarily out of stock.", etc. and can be fetched by requesting Offers.Listings.Availability.Message resource.

Some items are not buyable and do not have offers. For more information in this regard, refer Items that do not have offers.


This section showcases Availability information displayed on Amazon Retail Website under various scenarios and corresponding Product Advertising API response snippet when Availability Offers Resources are requested.

1. In Stock

An example Product Landing Page on showing "In Stock." availability message (Highlighted)
Image - An example Product Landing Page on showing "In Stock." availability message (Highlighted)
  "Offers": {
    "Listings": [
        "Availability": {
          "Message": "In Stock.",
          "Type": "Now"
        "Id": "E%2FBPWgafmoO6PqTj8F"

2. Backorderable

An example Product Landing Page on showing back orderable offer (Highlighted)
Image - An example Product Landing Page on showing back orderable offer (Highlighted)
  "Offers": {
    "Listings": [
        "Availability": {
          "Message": "In stock on June 14, 2019. Order it now.",
          "Type": "Backorderable"
        "Id": "E%2FBPWgafmoO6PqTj8F"

3. Pre-orderable

An example Product Landing Page on showing a Pre-orderable item (Highlighted)
Image - An example Product Landing Page on showing a Pre-orderable item (Highlighted)
  "Offers": {
    "Listings": [
        "Availability": {
          "Message": "This title will be released around July 15, 2019. Pre-order now.",
          "Type": "Preorderable"
        "Id": "E%2FBPWgafmoO6PqTj8F"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""